By Kody Aasen
August 20, 2019
I came to the Humane Society a little over a month ago. I saw an article in the newspaper on a specific cat. When I arrived there that cat was very sweet, but very timid and shy. I went into the “cat room” to look around and this plain-looking, full-grown tabby cat was sitting on the window post. He was very “healthy” looking as well! I gave him a quick glance only because my eye was drawn to two sibling cats that were black with some white. They were so pretty! When I tried to pet them, the plain-tabby cat dashed off his sitting post and intercepted my hand before I could pet the two black cats! How could I ignore that! He chose me and that meant something. “Goober” is not fancy looking and his looks aren’t unique, but he is the most amazing cat I have ever had! I was looking for a cat that wanted to be out in the open and not hide behind furniture all the time. Goober does not hide, in fact, he will do almost anything to get a hand on him. He lives for attention and that is exactly what I was looking for. He is my buddy. He sleeps at my side and waits for my arrival home from work. He has such a unique personality. Although he gets annoyed with my 2 young sons, he would never hurt them. He loves our dog, too! I am so glad he chose me!!!! I probably wouldn’t have chosen the name “Goober”, but after living with him, I couldn’t imagine his name not being “Goober!” Thank you! ~ Tonya P.